Recertification Unit (RU) Options

INS Annual Meeting

  • 40 RUs can be earned by attending the INS Annual Meeting held every spring.
  • RUs earned at the INS Annual Meeting count towards your INS Meeting requirement.
  • A maximum of 40 RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • A copy of your certificate of completion will be automatically added to your transcripts in your account.

Virtual Infusion Education

  • RUs earned by participating in a LEARNING CENTER “Virtual Infusion Education” activity count towards your INS Meeting requirement.
  • A maximum of 40 RUs can be applied to a certification period.

Participate in a LEARNING CENTER Educational Activity

  • A maximum of 10 RUs can be earned by participating in LEARNING CENTER “Webinar” educational activities. These activities are free for INS members and fall under the non-INS Meeting (external).

Present as a speaker at an INS national meeting

  • A CRNI® is eligible for two RUs for each contact hour presented.
  • A maximum of six RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • Session title, code, and INS meeting title and date must be uploaded as a transcript in your account.

Complete the Journal of Infusion Nursing CE test

  • 10 RUs can be earned by passing an approved CE Test from the Journal of Infusion Nursing (JIN).
  • A maximum of 10 RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • INS members receive all issues of the JIN and can access archived editions. The test can be accessed and completed online.
  • All correspondence is through the JIN’s publisher, Wolters Kluwer
  • A copy of the certificate of completion must be uploaded as a transcript in your account.

Publish a manuscript in the Journal of Infusion Nursing 

  • For each manuscript published in JIN, the author/s is eligible for five RUs.
  • A maximum of 10 RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • Approval and publication of a manuscript can take from four to six months.
  • Upload your manuscript title and the JIN edition information as a transcript in your account.

Serve as a Journal of Infusion Nursing Editorial Reviewer

  • Active participants as a Journal of Infusion Nursing editorial reviewer are eligible for five RUs.
  • A maximum of five RUs can be applied to a certification period. Reviewers must complete a minimum of four reviews in one calendar year to qualify for the RUs.
  • Upon completion of four reviews, INCC will provide documentation of RUs awarded to the CRNI®. A copy of that documentation will be uploaded as a transcript by an INCC staff member and will be approved in your account for CRNI® RUs

Publish an infusion-related manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal

  • For each manuscript published in a peer-reviewed journal, the author(s) may receive three RUs.
  • A maximum of six RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • A copy of the printed article must be uploaded as a transcript in your account.

Publish a chapter or edit an infusion-related book

  • For publication of a chapter or editing an infusion-related book, the author/s can receive six RUs.
  • A maximum of six RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • The book’s reference information, including, author, year, title, and publisher information must be uploaded as a transcript in your account.

Attend INS local chapter education programs

  • CRNI®s are eligible for one RU per contact hour earned at INS chapter programs.
  • A maximum of five RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • CE credit must be awarded for the program.
  • The program must be related to one of INCC’s clinical content areas.
  • CRNI® review courses are not eligible for RUs.
  • A copy of the chapter’s continuing education certificate, stating the chapter’s title, must be uploaded as a transcript in your account.

Teach infusion therapy-related education programs

  • Teachers of infusion therapy-related programs are eligible for one RU per hour taught.
  • A maximum of five RUs can be applied to a certification period.
  • The program must be related to one of INCC’s three core areas.
  • Repeated presentations of the same program will not be awarded multiple RUs.
  • Program outlines and objectives with dates taught must be uploaded as a transcript in your account.

Attend a non-INS educational meeting

  • If the sponsoring organization* has submitted its program for approval by INCC, attendance at non-INS educational meetings can qualify for a maximum of five RUs per certification period. See a listing of all approved non-INS educational meetings.
  • The program’s certificate must be uploaded as a transcript in your account.
  • *Sponsoring organizations wishing to be approved by INCC for RUs should email for an application.

About INS

The Infusion Nurses Society (INS) is an international nonprofit organization representing infusion nurses and other clinicians  who are engaged in the specialty practice of infusion therapy.

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Contact Us

One Edgewater Drive | Suite 209
Norwood, MA 02062

Phone: (781) 440-9408
Fax: (781) 440-9409

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